Hillbilly Elegy (2020) Review

10 min readDec 2, 2020

Mix themes of family, aspiration, grit, determination and you get a moral tale that’s as old as time… Those real figures in everyday suburbs of America that are lower-middle class, the forgotten people who generally dont inspire movie producers. A new age of cinema has been born in my opinion, it doesn’t have to be a great epic to start something new in Hollywood.

It is the stylized biopic of less than hero’s who overcome adversary which makes them real to life warriors. Some great heartbreaking sequences of southern life, universal obstacles to overcome and a feel good outcome which lifts people up is just what viewers need in 2020. In filmschool we get taught to torture the girl — create a crescendo of hostility and Ron Howard sure did deliver.

The amount of flashbacks was questionable and perhaps took us out of the moment too often but it all works. Casting was good but not perfect, more experience could have made this a classic but the score covered all sins like only Hans Zimmer can. Those critics trying to offer us a political dissertation from the book and movie adaptation need to get over then own biases, few of us care. Be prepared to cry profusely. I can’t for the life of me figure out why such a touching movie has so many poor reviews.

The actors are phenomenal and I think the film is under-rated. Both Glenn Close and Amy Adams should be nominated for best actress awards. in my not-so-humble opinion, I think it could could also stand a vote for best picture and best director for Ron Howard. It’s not a frolicing film, but a very tough story told poignantly and, as far as I could tell, without missing a beat. It’s a winner, a big winner.

Mamaw made me cry… this movie hits me .. i love it.. the movie is well acted well directed, entertaining, lots of emotions , one of the best this 2020..

The story, the acting, the pacing… just fantastic. They do an excellent job flashing back and fourth between the different generations where you are never confused. Hollywood and critics are pretty much all white people who come from money and can’t fathom the thought of poor white people actually struggling in today’s psychotic agenda/society. Great movie and well done.

A decent movie with a great acting performance from both Amy Adams & Glenn Close who I won’t be surprised if she gets nominated for an Oscar. But, the film had some mistakes that prevented it from being a great motion picture that would be nominated for Best Picture in the Oscars.

For those who don’t know the movie is based on a true story and to be specific, it’s based on a book called “Hillbilly Elegy”. The story is so emotional and touching, the film was able to express that perfectly. But the problem is that we didn’t get to know much in-depth about the characters except for J.D. Vance (played by Gabriel Basso) and the movie is just showing one side of the family which is the bad and negative side. For instance, Bev (Played by Amy Adams), we only saw one side of her which is the negative, bad mother, and addicted side except for one scene only which I cannot mention so I don’t spoil anything. I didn’t see much in-depth, I only saw what is from the outside.

The movie switches through different timelines, the past & present which was perfect because after each scene there was a scene from the past that explains why this specific thing happened in the present. The film was not causing any confusion and the film editing was perfect. The screenplay was okay, didn’t find anything that would make it great, it was decent and normal which might be why the film is not a masterpiece.

On the other hand, hair & makeup was perfect in the film. The characters looked exactly like the ones in real life especially Bev (Played by Amy Adams) and Mawmaw (played by Glenn Close).

The film is dramatic & emotional and the acting performances made them more dramatic but one thing that kind of ruined a part of it was the music score that was annoying because the same music was playing over and over again throughout the film. I felt like there was one specific music that they used for the whole film.

Glenn Close’s performance was so genuine and amazing, she was able to impersonate that character very very well that I hope she wins an Oscar for her performance in Hillbilly Elegy. For Amy Adams, she was not the problem at all, her performance was incredible. But her character is the problem. Like I mentioned we didn’t get to know much about her character and therefore I was not able to sympathize with her except for one scene, and I blame the writers for that because Amy Adams could do better than that but her character didn’t let her so.

In the end, the movie is not bad and deserves better than that. But this is a fail attempt for the production company which is Netflix to get this movie to the Oscars, I don’t think the movie deserves to be nominated for any awards except Glenn Close’s performance. The writers were capable of making this film a masterpiece especially that they had a great story in hand, but the result was a decent, dramatic, and emotional film.

I think the reason some people hate this is because it might hit a little too close to home. Every single one of these characters are people that I have known, and I suspect many others do too, some just don’t want to fess up to where their roots are because it contrasts with the facades we create for ourselves as we attempt to paint away our imperfections for “our followers.” The truth always comes out, and the truth is, none of us are perfect, we all grew up with some level of dysfunction.

It’s definitely a tough movie to watch; it’s not always black and white in terms of protagonists and antagonists. These are complex characters who, even when they’re trying to do “the right thing” have moments of genuine dis-likeability. The fact that you cringe so much at times when watching these people self-destruct is a testament to how good the acting and directing is.

The story is soulful, believable, and real. This must have been hugely therapeutic for the author and I applaud him for using this as a medium to just vent about all the crazy stuff he had to deal with growing up. I didn’t read the book but certainly will now as I felt like the movie glossed over some of the generational pain that manifested itself.

As for this having anything to do with politics, I found nothing political about this movie. If you watch this and see this as advancing someone’s political agenda then you need your head examined.

I’ve seen article after article saying not to see this movie so of course I had to watch it. I am glad I gave it a chance. The movie was eye opening yet relatable to life in the Midwest. I highly recommend seeing it.

Whether it is or is not a “true story”, this movie is fully captivating. I found myself rooting for all of the well-defined characters — even when they were doing ugly things. There’s a lot of love in this movie. Between mother-daughter between grandmother-grandson and between son and his troubled mom and stern grandmother. I was ready to dislike the movie based on bad press, but I found it to be full of great believable characters going on a really tough journey.


It was amazing the life storytelling. The way the struggle was presented was sensible. We felt their pain, the reinvindication, the perseverance. We think it was greatly presented.

This movie struck so close to home. I’m not from Appalachia but close enough. I raised my kids in BFE NW Ohio. I had struggles and made so many bad choices, not in the best interest of the kids. I thank God, like this main character, my kids had a family ‘village’ to help guide them and provide positive influences and guidance when I didn’t. This movie is spot on and real, so very real. My oldest daughter is now a lifestyles enrichment coordinator at an assisted living facility, my middle daughter is my Yale grad (2011) — with an online financial education business supplying college and high school kids with curriculums to help them also go beyond their raisin’. My boy is working hard in a field he enjoys and is a good man. But for that family, things could have turned out very differently. I winced and teared up watching the boy struggle and learn his way with the help of those around him, and then have to face reality again as his future was looking bright. A very REAL film 🎥 — the critics looking for a statement of some kind are completely missing the beauty of the story and it’s sad.


Finally watched this last night on Netflix and it was great. Amy Adams and Glenn Close just nailed their characters. Amy somehow made her character, as bad as she was at times, still someone you want to root for to be ok. And Glenn just captured the tough natured but caring grandmother perfectly. This is a story about a family who’s had its struggles and having to fight to survive. I think it’s rare for Hollywood to tackle a subject like this, but this story is not uncommon, in fact I bet everyone I know around Denham Springs, La knows of families similar to this. Growing up with a father who owned a construction company, I saw his employees get their paychecks on Friday and be broke by Monday because of drugs/alcohol while their kids would go without, and at a very young age I knew that 90% of their kids would likely end up just like them. This is a story about the 10% who can battle their surroundings and fight to make a better life for themselves.

Hillbilly Elegy is a gripping, wonderfully directed and acted film that kept my attention throughout. I did not know that Glenn Close was “Mawmaw” until after finishing the movie, which blew my mind. Her realism in the role was amazing. The only reason I can think of for such a low metascore, and even worse Rotten Tomatoes score is that the critics took their opinions on the subject matter out on their reviews. Film snobiness. Yes, it was hard to find sympathy for the characters, but this true story wasn’t really about “Mawmaw” and the addict “Bev”. Yes, these family dynamics really do exist. I did not feel like it was an exploitation film. It was about J.D., and the obstacles on his journey to success. Maybe J.D. didn’t meet an outsiders criteria of a “true hillbilly”. But in modern society, we have become a melting pot of many cultures that we cross paths with in our life experiences. Those experiences in Jackson, KY had a profound impact on him. 9 out of 10.

I honestly do not understand why so many critics hate this movie?!

This is a fantastic movie about overcoming struggle, overcoming adversity, dealing with and eventually overcoming addiction, fighting for the people you love, tough love, letting people in when they are willing to help you and creating your own path.

Ron Howard’s use of flashbacks and flashforwards to complete J. D. Vance’s timeline worked perfectly and never felt confusing or out of place. I cannot give enough praise to Glenn Close, Amy Adams, Gabriel Basso and Owen Asztalos — they all have incredible chemistry on screen, they gave amazing performances and really bought the real people of this story to life.

This is an emotional, heartbreaking, honest movie and it is one of the best movies I’ve watched in a long time.

