Happiest Season (2020) Review

8 min readNov 30, 2020


Harper (Mackenzie Davis) reluctantly invites her girlfriend Abby (Kristen Stewart) to her conservative family Christmas. Abby excitedly plans to propose but Harper reveals that she had lied about coming out to her family. They have to pretend to be straight while Harper’s father (Victor Garber) runs for mayor. Her mother (Mary Steenburgen) is stressed. Harper is constantly competing with older sister Sloane (Alison Brie). Jane (Mary Holland) is the overlooked awkward sister. Riley (Aubrey Plaza) is Harper’s ex. John (Dan Levy) is Abby’s friend.

This is basically a traditional Christmas comedy with all the rom-com and family dysfunction toppings. It adds the newish lesbian coming out story into the mix. Actresses Clea DuVall and Mary Holland are the writers and filmmakers. Clea is not necessarily an experienced director and it shows in a couple of scenes. Mostly, this is a fun romp with a serious premise. I really like all the actors. Davis and Stewart are good together. I would probably switch out Steenburgen for someone more high strung. She needs to be more Waspy. The comedy is great although sometimes, it needs a sharper pen. There is also the differing tones. Sometimes, they clash. The denouement stretches out a little too long. Not everything needs a wrap-up and the comedic tone fades away after awhile. This is very good all the same.

The story they tried to tell is honest, sweet and warming, but the execution is not upto the mark. The performances of the leads in this movie fall flat and as much i like HEA’s, this one is just two cheesy and off for my taste. I hope the next time someone involves big name actors for lgbt themed movies, i hope they make sure to get it right. This feels too much like a hallmark movie rather than the big budget starring big names premiering on hulu sort of movie.

Great watch, would watch again, and do recommend.

There is a huge advantage in knowing as little as possible about a movie before watching it: mostly it removes expectations, and allows little surprises to delight you through the movie.

I watched it because it was a Kristen Stewart movie, but was happily surprised to see Clea Duvall involved, and continually delighted to see familiar faces appear: Mary Holland, Alison Brie, and Aubrey Plaza especially.

I’m honestly not familiar with “a lot” of “coming out of the closet, but not quite yet” stories, but I have seen a lot of “secrets for the holidays”, and “don’t tell my family x”, and this is very interesting that it uses that concept to knock the wind out of the sails of the story so early.

While the majority of the story is basically abuse humor, it’s delivered in a way that manages to both garner sympathy for Abbie and be charmingly amusing.

If the movie has a real downside, then it’s that it tries to do (almost) too many things, but manages to pull it off. Yeah, I pretty much hate Harper, but that’s by design, and she’s a victim as much as a villain. The shift in stories as things all start to resolve is the “worst” part of it, but ultimately makes for a satisfying ending.

I liked this movie. It made me feel things, but not too many things, as a rom com should. My only beef with this movie is that Harper did not really redeem herself totally. Coming out should be done on your own timeline, but lying about it to your partner is pretty bad. She also essentially ignored Abby the whole movie when she could have spent time with her and continued a friend narrative. Especially considering she was leaving Abby alone with unfamiliar people. I would have liked to see that issue acknowledged before the movie ended.

I did sort of ship Abby and Riley for a bit (clearly more chemistry between Stewart and Plaza than between Stewart and Davis), but ultimately I’m glad that it didn’t happen. I’m a firm believer in making an effort to resolve issues in a relationship rather than giving up and jumping ship. I just wish the issues were actually resolved.

Ultimately though, this was a fun Christmas movie that I enjoyed watching.

And everybody who hates my reviews, hates my grammar english trying to construct a long big review with loads of digressions like a train set trying to choose which iron to follow in the railyard, that is like nonsense to 99% of everyone who reads them, just because im boiling over when i see movies that i dislike and movies that i love… and here it comes…


see it and enjoy it, good actors, lovely set up, good comedy, and most of all x-mas is all about love , peace and loneliness, so reach out an elbow or bandana to those who needs a push at x-mas 2020… this film is a decent start for this holiday season, thinks the grumpy old man when comparing 99% of the rest of x-mas movies thats made for the tv, thats glittering prizes of perfectness in wealth and personal egoism. do watch it unless youre a lgtb+ . hater. recommended.

Kristen (from the terrible Charlie’s Angels movie that was SO bad it was enjoyable) plus a Holiday movie? Why not…. Great lighting and colors, locations and good sound-editing. Though it certainly wasn’t what I was expecting it to be. Less holiday-ish, and more dumb-romance family stuff..

Kristen has the better role “reacting” to everything. She actually feels really organic, and her attires are good. I’ll probably will be seeing more movies with her in it. Her delivery is good, lines and emotions.. She has gotten better over the years. As for Mackenzie Davis, she looks baaaaad. It’s her hair.. it’s not doing her any favors. It actually might be a character choice.. since she is so dislikable. Visually, it makes it easier I guess. Mary Steenburgen always an elegant lady. The character Jane is a bit too much. Like taken from a recent Adam Sandler movie. And the intense relationship with the other sister (Alison Brie) was promising if not a tad predictable, but wasn’t used for good comedic purposes.

The movie does end very well! Making up for the story so far. Don’t watch it as a holiday movie.. wait for March or some somber month, haha. It was fine, I guess. Not something to recommend or watch again.

The situations in “Happiest Season” ring of truth. Particularly, when the infatuation ends in a relationship, and a serious inventory of “is it worth it?” is writ large before you. Making this kind of situation a comedy — in addition, loading the matter of coming out to your family on top of an already “heavy” subject matter — is tricky. Happily, for us, it succeeds for the most part.

Abandoning the familiar mantra all gay people are scolded with “we’re here, we’re queer, get used to it,” we’re offered a much more realistic situation where proclaiming alternative sexualities isn’t as simple — or welcome — in every family. For that alone, kudos.


Assembling a crackerjack cast, Clea DuVail tells her own story and just how fraught “being yourself” can be. A competitive sibling, a family’s definition of “perfect” that quashes any deviance, and a political campaign in a small town leaves the principal character with literally no choice (she thinks) than to hide her partner’s real identity, giving her that neutering label: “She’s my roommate.” And the family’s unconscious threat also adds, “…she’s an orphan.” The latter is played with hilarity by Kristen Stewart who assumes the role because, well, she IS an orphan. Stewart keeps adding more and more success to her achievement as an actor. She grounds the film but she also earns more sympathy than the writing perhaps intended. Her partner whose family they’ve entered really alienates the audience with her partner’s behavior. We just don’t like her or find her worthy of Stewart’s character’s devotion. And it makes the film wobble from comedy to some serious thought — at least from the audience — “this ISN’T worth it.” Even in the early scenes of bliss before they enter the ambush of the family, I thought Mackenzie Davis felt uncomfortable in the role. She was just trying too hard.

The rest of the cast shines with substantial support from Dan Levy, Mary Steenburgen and Alison Brie, who really deserves her own film. She can frost a room with the arch of an eyebrow. Too, Aubrey Plaza brings an undercurrent that makes us wish Stewart’s character would just pick her, and they could run off and live happily ever after.

This is a big, glossy, “important” holiday release, hoping to garner a place in the pantheon of “Christmas” classics. That remains to be seen, but the fact that it’s up for consideration makes it an impressive achievement.

