Cosmic Sin (2021) Review

8 min readMar 13, 2021


I saw “Cosmic Sin”, starring Frank Grillo-the Purge movies, Captain America:The Winter Soldier; Bruce Willis-Breach, Glass; Costas Mandylor-Born Champion, the Saw movies and Perrey Reeves-Old School, Child’s Play 3. This is a bad ‘B’ sci_fi movie with Bruce Willis getting second billing-you know there is something wrong there. He just recently made another cheap sci_fi movie, Breach, so I guess he must like them-either that or maybe he owes somebody money or a favor. Anyway, this one takes place in 2524, when the earth has colonized some other planets, some of which were inhabited. Bruce was a war hero-he killed a bunch of aliens-but some people didn’t like the way he did it, so he was discharged unceremoniously. Some aliens attack a group of earth people on a remote survey planet and Frank-a general-calls in Bruce to do what Bruce likes doing; putting the aliens in their place. Costas is a Sargent in the squad that is assembled and Perrey is a doctor/former love interest to Bruce. Some of the story is a little jumbled and hard to make sense of at times-the aliens are wearing long blazers with hoodies to probably hide the low budget. There are even times when it’s hard to tell exactly who the good guys are-the humans or the aliens. Of course, that might have been the producers objective in the first place; to have a debate on war. It’s rated “R” for violence and language and has a running time of 1 hour & 28 minutes. I like bad movies-at times-but they do need a coherent storyline, at least. I wouldn’t buy this on DVD. I wouldn’t rent it either. If you really want to see it, I would wait until it shows up on cable.

This is the second “written by” Corey Large movie the Bruce has been in…the first one being Breach. I think that either Bruce lost a bet to thos guy or he is a really good friend trying to help a struggling writer out. Either way this movie is as bad as the former and no amount of friendship should have let this happen.

Awesome cast. Everyone had perfect teeth. All the plots shook me to my core. There’s love, family members that get sacrificed, the glorious return of a disgrace, and they play lost and found! It had Laser guns, Power Ranger swords, dementors from Askaban, some Tony Stark palladium infection, and even a metal orcish Dr. Zoidberg! What more can you ask for? The Q-Bomb was definitely my favorite character. It’s said that some people are still on this planet today (but you didn’t hear it from me.) Epic adventure. 10/10: Will become a cult classic.

This movie made me sad for several reasons. I feel Bruce Willis will never be the action hero he once was. I feel bad for my friends who have won major cosplay contests, not getting hired over the person who made the laughable armor. I feel bad I don’t play Warhammer anymore because the writer clearly just rolled up some characters as enemies. And finally, I feel bad I can’t get someone to give me a bunch of money to make movies because someone, somewhere gave this guy money to produce this awful, boring, sluggish movie. Here’s hoping the 6th grader who made the SFX at least got paid.

Seems to be alot of hate for Bruce Willis — as this and last move ‘Breach’ had bad reviews.

Yet both i found good Scifi movies. Story, acting, and sets good to great.

Maybe people expect something original in 2021? Or compare to Bruces older movies. Whatever grab the popcorn and enjoy!!

Really i found this movie made my Friday night — And makes you think what if we’re not alone and not friendly?

I cant believe there were ads for this pile of confusing oozing poop of a movie across social media, its so far below a B-Movie its astonishing it got funded …every aspect of this movie is sub par…what the hell happened to Bruce Willis!!!

“Cosmic Sin” is not the Original Sin, but green lighting this movie was. Here’s what the makers of this movie would like to tell you: Bruce Willis and Frank Grillo star in the new epic sci-fi adventure set in the year 2524, four hundred years after humans started colonising the outer planets. Retired Military General James Ford (Willis) is called back into service after soldiers on a remote planet are attacked by a hostile alien fleet. The threat against the human race escalates into an inevitable interstellar war. General Ford teams up with General Eron Ryle (Grillo) and a team of elite soldiers in a race to stop the imminent attack before it is too late.

Now heres the truth: This is the biggest sack of doggy doo to ever make it to the big screen with name stars like Bruce and Frank. These guys are just phoning in their performances from another galaxy that doesn’t even have 5G. Their pay checks are only boosting their Superannuation funds and not helping the cause of cinema one bit. I’m a big Willis and Grillo fan, but guys you should be ashamed. Instead see Grillo in “Boss Level” that’s a fun SciFi movie with a sharp sense of humour and remember Bruce from his Die Hard days. “Cosmic Sin” director and writer, Edward Drake should also be ashamed. Rotten Tomatoes are having a field day with his gem. I believe this is his directorial debut on a major motion picture and mainly hired for his writing, which on this occasion is one of the lamest scripts I’ve ever heard uttered on the big screen. Did they not do a table reading before shooting? The movie was also co-written by Producer, Corey Large, who handles the sidekick role of Dash on screen. Sidekicks are meant to be funny. At one point this sexist pig of a character points to a female soldiers’ huge phallus type gun and says, “Candle you handle that?” To which she replies (cutting him off at the knees figuratively), “I’ve had bigger!” It’s supposed to be an Action, Sci Fi, Mystery And Thriller, but it’s NOT! The movie riffs off StarGate science and technology and the space armour is clearly spray painted plastic and awkward. Bathroom time would be a challenge. The film features a cosmic cannon which would have been better used to shoot this movie into outer space where it can become the Space Junk it was truly meant to be. I wanted to walk out, but it was 90 minutes in air-conditioned comfort during a stinking hot March day in Queensland, Australia and besides I had a good supply of popcorn and drink and was curious to see if it could get better. It didn’t! Launch your own preemptive strike and save your money for some really good films from this genre coming soon to a cinema near you like “Godzilla vs Kong”. I only gave this movie ONE star, because the rating system doesn’t go to zero! Worst movie for 2021….so far! I know I shouldn’t hold back, I should tell you what I’m really thinking, but swearing isn’t good form in a movie review.

It is really a cosmic sin to watch this movie !!! i usually watch the reviews first before watching the movie , but Bruce was in it so no reviews needs epic film expected ,Right ? NOOOO . i really really regret watching this movie . do your self a favor stay away Sin expected.

I can’t understand how or why Bruce Willis and Frank Grillo, 2 super actors agreed to be in this. I can only think it’s a favour to a friend. Or a dodgy accountant lost their money. I’m shocked. Had to switch it off after an hour as couldn’t take any more. I usually love Frank Grillo (ever since the grey and the 2nd purge film). Watch those instead.

Year 2532 and he was driving ford raptor in the base, the Alien planet seemed like west Virginia forest and the Alien wearing ponchos with 2 legs and 5 fingers. I mean how much was the budget of the movie 680 $, I stopped watching the movie after 15min. what waste Bruce after such good movies you go down to this… come on man.

I have seen worse, but not really much.

I was actually hoping to give it a 6 or 7, because that happens sometimes when the ratings are that bad. This time, I was trying to find something to pin at least a few stars to this movie. Well, one star for the sergeant that died to early. Good acting, compared. One for the terrific suits that others hated so much, though it’s more half a star since I have to deduct for the nonsense helments. And one star just for not giving a 2.

After watching Boss Level and praising that one so high, I was deeply shocked. Well, I survived. You cannot always make a brilliant movie like Boss Level.

As bad as the reviews describe it. Apart from the indifferent acting… the plot. Is there a plot, or did a random generator tell them what to do? Or did they shot the scenes, that were supposed to be cool (they´re not), and then made up a story around that? Shabby men in shabby bars and basements are generals that decide to initiate the first contact with aliens by blasting them away with a q-bomb. The dialog is completely non-sensical. A bunch of amateurs on You Tube would have made a better movie. O, Bruce… I used to look for your name. If it was there I´d watch the movie. Now, it´s the opposite. If Willis is there, avoid it.

Although this film isn’t quite as bad as Ariels (2016), it’s a very close second. Cosmic Sin is director and co-writer Edward Drake’s second production and makes it appear most of the budget likely went to the actors, such as Bruce Willis and maybe Drake, himself. The highly recognizable and capable talent pool is obviously there, but a poorly crafted script, almost nonexistent production values and bad direction makes everyone and everything appear utterly amateurish. The cinematography is OK, but there’s minimal green screen usage. It’s as if they intentionally spent absolutely as little as possible on sets and props; literally a shoe string budget. A minimalist approach would have likely been more impressive than this. Investors in this project were clearly gaslit by producers. I’m utterly amazed this project was ever green lighted in the first place.

